The Future of First Aid: Smart Rescue Kits

  • iReviews
  • September 06,2017
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According to the American Red Cross, Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) could save up to 50,000 lives each year. It also suggests that Americans should always be within four minutes from an AED and someone trained to use it. So what makes AEDs so groundbreaking in First Aid? They’re easily accessible, simple to use, and highly effective with just a little bit of training.

Mobilize Rescue’s First Aid Kit

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), during the first half of life, more Americans die from injuries and violence, including falls, automobile crashes, and homicides, than any other cause.”


Mobilize Rescue Systems, an emergency management startup made up of ER Physicians, military medics, and EMS providers has designed what it hopes to be the next-best-thing in First Aid. The Comprehensive Rescue System is an intuitive first aid kit that walks bystanders through life-saving procedures with step-by-step color-coded instructions. From bleeding wounds to heart attacks, Mobile Rescue’s revolutionary kit is designed to empower the first aid provider during an emergency situation.


“Injury is the leading cause of death for people ages 1 and 44, beating out cancer, the flu, and HIV.”

Designed for Untrained Civilians

Equipped with an interactive iPad armed with 1,600 pages of emergency response tutorials, the Comprehensive Rescue System delivers step-by-step instructions via its connected app. Whether it’s QuickClot instructions or Chest Seals, the provider is assisted every step in the rescue process no matter how dire the situation. The user-friendly iPad screen, when opened, calmly illustrates the life-saving procedures through animations, color-coded sketches, and planograms – giving the exact location of the medical supplies inside your kit and how to administer them accordingly.


According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “of the 147,790 traumatic deaths in 2014, faster, more efficient medical care might have prevented 30,000 of them.”

Perfect for Emergencies in Remote Locations

The Comprehensive Rescue System is strategically packed with each component positioned depending upon the time sensitive nature of the emergency. In other words, AED equipment is readily available when opening the kit. The same with QuickClot supplies. Mine Rescue trainer and overseer of the Colorado School of Mines’ Energy, Mining, and Construction Industry Safety program, Collin Smith, in an interview with Wired, explained the importance of The Comprehensive Rescue System:


“On remote job sites, a paramedic is almost more than 20 minutes away. And depending on the injury, you may not have 20 minutes.”


Even if a trained employee happened to be on the job site – carrying their American Red Cross First Aid certification – the chances of remembering their training and having the correct EMS equipment on hand is slim to none. “in a high-pressure scenarios, you might not remember what you were taught six months ago, so it helps to be guided through it,” Smith said. That’s what makes AEDs so incredibly useful. They walk the provider through every step of the process – removing the likelihood of freezing up when the pressure is on.

Mobilize Rescue’s Mission

Mobilize Rescue is in business to save lives. It wants to do this by empowering bystanders during emergency medical situations. Just like AEDs, this incredibly brilliant first aid system is designed to be user-friendly and fast-acting. Eric Garalnick, the medical director of emergency preparedness at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in an interview with Wired, said, “It’s simple, clean, with clear descriptions. Comprehensive, too. It can do more than just hemorrhage control. It looks wonderful, very innovative and I think solutions like this are certainly the future of first aid. It’s exciting. But now we have to do our due diligence and test it.”


Source: Futurism, Wired, American Red Cross, CDC