45 Next Generation Learning Tools That Kids Will Love

As technology has evolved over the last few decades, so has the education sector, both in the U.S. and around the world. Using technology in the classroom offers a wide range of benefits, such as supporting teachers and providing more resources to help build skills, whether it be reading, writing, or mathematics. With the right level of planning and integration, technology can be used appropriately to actually maximize learning opportunities.


Capable of reducing low-frequency noises up to 40dB, QuietOn earplugs block distracting noises like the hum of an airplane or the heavy bass of a snore. Ideal for traveling, work, studying, meditating, or simply a moment of relaxation, QuietOns are ergonomically designed and super easy to use. With 50 hours of use on a single charge, these versatile earplugs are perfect for motorcycle rides, the morning commute, students having difficulty concentration, and even for people suffering from noise sensitivity disorder.