Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Review

Not everyone can wear contact lenses and those who do often want to take a break to rest their eyes. This gives your eyes a chance to breathe and can reduce some of the damage you might otherwise experience. As someone who wears glasses, you know that you need to clean them daily. Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner is a new product designed to clean your glasses without causing any damage to the lenses.
Something as simple as a tissue can scratch the glass and leave behind lint or other particles that stick to lenses.
This cleaner works quickly and uses microfiber pads that gently remove debris. These pads remove almost anything you can imagine and won’t mark the lenses. More than two million happy customers have purchased these cleaners in the past.
With our Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner review, you can learn what people who wear glasses love about this cleaner and how to become a customer.
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner is easy to use.
- Efficient method for cleaning glasses & keeping them safe from damage
- Price drops when you buy more than one
- Works on all types of lenses, including asplastic and transition lenses
- Removes both solid debris and spots
- Free shipping only applies to customers in the U.S.
- You can clean your lenses with cheaper microfiber cloths
- Makeup and other products that you do not remove first can lead to scratches
- Cost can be high when you buy from other sources
This is a durable little cleaner that works on all types of coated lenses. While you can’t use it if you have basic or cheap plastic lenses, it works on the transition lenses that change based on the available light and lenses with a protective coating to prevent scratches. It can also be used to remove smudges from the glasses and the oil that your hands leave behind.
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What is the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
Do you sometimes put on your glasses and see little spots that get in your way? Those spots can come from the lint that falls off your clothing, hair from your pets and even environmental pollutants such as dust mites. It takes just a few minutes to use the cleaner on your glasses and get the clear look that you want. This cleaner works on lenses of all types, including plastic and glass lenses. You can even use it on transition lenses.
With the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner, you can spend more time enjoying your glasses and less time at the eye doctor.
Our Experience
One reason that I do not often wear my glasses or sunglasses is because they quickly get so dirty and I always seem to lose my cleaning cloth. I wear my sunglasses to hold my hair back more than I do my actual eyes and they gather so many oils and particles, that I struggle with cleaning them off and usually opt not to wear them when I want to. When I first saw the peeps eyeglass cleaner, I thought it was sort of pointless and that I would never use it. I figured all eyeglass cleaners are pretty much the same and that the process cannot be much better.
Peeps Unboxing
When my Peeps eyeglass cleaner arrived I did not get my hopes up. I unboxed the product and found a small, cheap plastic container and assumed that the product would not deliver. The first time I questioned my previous judgements was when I popped open the bristles on top of the brush and was shocked by how soft they were. Most bristles are rough and cheaply made, but this felt more similar to a makeup brush.
I then unclicked the cleaning tool and saw the tongs with a soft fabric on the ends to clean the glasses. I grabbed a pair of Versace glasses that I have given up on due to how dirty they are and got to work.
I first used the bristles to wipe away hard debris, and saw that the bristles left smudge lines on my glasses (likely from oil build up moving). Rest assured, when I slid the tongs over the glasses and applied pressure, I was shocked to see how clean the glasses came.
Peeps Trial
In the past I have spent multiple minutes trying to clean my glasses with my shirt or a cloth and have gotten nowhere. This product quickly and efficiently cleaned my glasses better than any method I have tried. I expected to try this product and likely lose it or never use it again, but I stuck the small device in my purse instantly.
The only complaint that I have about the product is that the ends of the tongs are circle shaped, so it may take a little bit of extra effort to really clean the corners of your lenses. Nonetheless, this product still outshined every method I have used by a landslide. My only concern is that the product is so small, I may lose it. As they are not terribly expensive, I do plan on taking advantage of bundle deals and ordering one for my car, backpack, and home as well.
Why Should You Clean Your Glasses?
While you do need to take care of them, the benefits of wearing glasses far outweigh the cons. Cleaning your glasses is important for a few reasons, including:
- Making your glasses last longer
- Avoiding scratches
- Removing the lint and other debris that can interfere with your field of vision
While you can use an ordinary microfiber cloth to clean your glasses, finding that cloth and keeping it clean can be a pain. An easy way to clean glasses is with the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner, which puts everything at your fingertips.
The right prescription can make the world appear clearly and help you see things you could never see before.
How Does the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Work?
If you’re like most people, you probably use whatever you have on hand to clean your glasses. Far too many people use their shirts or pants to clean their glasses and then wonder why their lenses are so scratched or smudged. The problem is that the same debris stuck to your lenses can stick to anything that you use to clean your glasses. With the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner, you can clean the lenses much more efficiently.
This eyeglass cleaner uses aerospace technology combined with microfiber pads. You can use a tiny brush to remove hair and other items stuck to your lenses. Like the pads, the brush will not scratch the glass or plastic. With the microfiber pads, you can slowly go over your lenses to remove anything clinging to the lenses. It even works on moisture such as sweat that drips from your forehead and rain that dried on your lenses.
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner includes microfiber pads that gently clean your lenses.
Why Do Glasses Get Dirty?
The most common type of debris that you see on your lenses come from pets.. Even if you don’t have pets at home, you probably come across a few animals on the way to work or a neighbor’s dog that wants to play when you get home. Not only can their hair stick to your lenses, but those animals also release pet dander that floats through the air and clings to your lenses.
Some of the other dirt and debris that your eyeglasses pick up can come from:
- Fingerprints from pushing up on your glasses
- Smudges from facial and skin oils that spread across the lenses
- Dead skin cells that shed off your skin after you shower
- Lint from the clothing that you wear.
- Skin cells from the people who you’re around every day
- Tar and nicotine from the cigarettes that you smoke or when you have friends/loved ones who smoke
People with oily skin types may find that they need to clean their glasses more often than other people do.
How Can You Use the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
To use the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner, you will hold the cleaner in one hand and place your glasses in the opposite hand. Push on the bottom located on the side of the cleaner to release the brush. Specially designed to prevent scratching, this brush removes any hard debris attached to the lenses. You can run the brush over both sides of the lenses. It’s also helpful to run the brush along the nose piece and the on the earpieces as loose hair and dirt can cling to those surfaces.
You’ll then slide out the tongs from the cleaner, which hold a microfiber pad. Place the tongs flat on top of one lens, making sure that the microfiber pads touch both sides of the lens. You can move the pads back and forth across the lens to clean both sides as you go. Once you finish cleaning one lens, you can move on to the next one.
Why is the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Better Than a Microfiber Cloth?
- The cleaner includes a brush that can remove some debris
- You don’t need to worry about lint clinging to the cleaner
- Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner keeps the microfiber pads safe
- You don’t need to use any type of liquid
- The cleaner is easier to use
Why is the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner So Efficient?
One question you may have after hearing about this eyeglass cleaner is how it’s so efficient? CarbonKlen, the company that produces this cleaner, uses carbon molecules to help clean your glasses. When used as a cleaning agent, carbon works especially well on the oils that can stick to the lenses.
This cleaner is also efficient because it uses the same technology as NASA. The images sent back from the space station are so clear and crisp because the astronauts use similar cleaners to remove debris from the camera lenses. When you use other types of cleaners, the humidity in the air or the temperature of the room can impair the product’s cleaning powers. Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner works just as well when you use it on a cold winter day as it does a muggy summer day.
Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner uses the same cleaning technology that astronauts on the space station use.
Where Can You Use the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
Have you ever went hiking or camping with friends and found that pollen from plants stuck to your glasses that made it hard for you to see? This cleaner is so small and compact that you can keep it in your pocket for on the spot cleaning.
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner is also easy to use in other situations. You can keep one in your desk drawer at work for cleaning your glasses before a meeting with clients or coworkers. Keeping one in your car lets you quickly clean your lenses if you get caught in a rainstorm or see spots when driving at night.
If you wear glasses when you drive, keeping this cleaner in your glovebox can come in handy.
Who’s This For?
CarbonKlean designed the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner for anyone who wears glasses. Even if you keep your glasses in a case when you’re not wearing them, the lenses can still pick up lint and particles from anything in the air. This includes the dander and hair that cats and dogs shed as well as environmental pollutants and particles from your clothing. These particles can stick to the lenses and form little white spots that interfere with your vision.
Some of the people we think would benefit from using the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner include:
- Busy people who don’t have a lot of time to clean their glasses
- Those who wear glasses 10 or more hours a day
- People who usually wear contacts and only wear their glasses a few times a week
- Individuals who only need to use glasses when they drive
- Those who spend a lot of time outside
Even if you regularly switch between glasses and contacts, you’ll find this cleaner helpful. It ensures that your glasses are free from spots and scratches when you put them on.
Most eye doctors give you a case that can keep your glasses safe when you’re not wearing them.
Does the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Work on Everything?
While Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner works great on the smudges and fingerprints that your hands leave behind, it doesn’t work on everything. Women who wear makeup or hairspray should be especially cautious. If you use sprays and other products daily, you should take your glasses off and only put them back on after applying those products.The problem is that these products can leave behind chemicals and other trace elements on your glasses.
If you try to use the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner with lotion, moisturizer, makeup or hair products on the lenses, the pads can cause some damage. Those pads can transfer the products onto other parts of your lenses and can leave behind deep scratches as they move the products.
There is a chance that you might scratch or damage your lenses if they have oils and chemicals on them from common beauty products before using the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner.
What Comes in the Box?
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner comes with everything you need to clean your lenses and make them clear again. Unlike other products, you don’t need to apply a liquid cleaner and then wipe it off with a dry cloth.
The three things that come in each box include:
- Carrying case
- Microfiber cleaning tool
- Retractable brush
With the retractable brush, you can press the side of the case or the tongs to push the brush out and wipe off your lenses. You can also turn the brush around and use the case to hold onto it as you clean your glasses. The carrying case is small in size and perfect for tucking in your glove box, purse, or camping bag. No matter how you move the pads around on your lenses, you can use the tool. All pieces fit back inside the case when you finish cleaning.
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner includes a brush, tool and microfiber pads that all fit inside the carrying case.
Can You Use the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner with All Types of Glasses?
This eyeglass cleaner works effectively on all glasses with some type of protective coating. When you meet your eye doctor and pick out new glasses, you can add at least one type of coating to the lenses for an extra cost. A common option is a scratch-resistant coating that protects the lenses when you use the wrong type of cleaner or you drop your glasses on the ground.
Unlike other cleaners that can damage the coating and cause it to peel away from the lenses, the Peeps cleaner works great thanks to the microfiber pads. As long as there isn’t any sharp debris stuck to the pads, they’ll move easily across the lenses and remove smudges, fingerprints, pet dander and anything else clinging to the lenses.
Common Types of Lens Coatings:
Anti-reflective, Anti-fog, UV protection, Scratch-resistant.
Does the Glass Cleaner Come in More Than One Color?
When you buy microfiber cleaning cloths, you can choose from bright colors and standard shades. The makers of the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner don’t want you to feel stuck picking a color that you may not love, which is why they offer this product in so many shades. These colors include:
- Lime green
- Purple
- Blue
- Black
- Pink
When you use our link to place an order, you can pick the product that you want to buy. This lets you decide between buying one cleaner or a bundle that includes up to 10 cleaners. After making your selection, you will go to a new page that lets you pick the colors you want. If you buy a single eyeglass cleaner, you can pick from these five colors. When you purchase one of the larger sets, you can get all of those cleaners in the same color. The site also lets you pick a different color for each cleaner that you plan to give away as a gift.
The Peeps Eyeglass cleaner comes in fun colors.
Can You Use the Cleaner for More Than Just Eyeglasses?
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner has a unique design that makes it suitable for all types of eyeglasses and sunglasses. When you remove it from the case, you can open the tongs and slip them around the lens. As long as you hold the tongs in one hand, you can glide them across the lens to make sure that the microfiber pads remove pet dander and other debris.
When using the eyeglass cleaner on other items, you must make sure that the tongs can open wide enough to accommodate that item. We found that the tongs work great on slim phones from Samsung and other manufacturers. However, you always need to make sure that you don’t put too much pressure on the screen or surface.
The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner can help you clean your phone and other small electronics too.
Should You Buy It?
Here at iReviews, we believe in going beyond what other product review sites offer. Our “Should You Buy It?” section details the pros and features of the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner to help you see the reasons why customers love it so much. You’ll also find some of the potential issues with the cleaner and the few reasons why you may want to opt for a different cleaning product.
No Liquids Required
A nice benefit of the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner is that you don’t need to use any type of liquid. The microfiber pads can remove excess liquid and dried liquid such as sweat and rain. It can also eliminate the fingerprints and smudges that leave behind spots in your line of vision.
NASA Technology
NASA trusts the technology that this cleaner uses so much that they use it on that station to keep camera lenses safe and clean. Other products can scratch the lenses and interfere with the images taken. You can trust this same technology with your glasses and rest assured that it won’t damage your expensive lenses.
Are There Any Tips to Opening the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
Opening the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner the first time is so tricky that you’ll find videos online that tell you how to do it. The easiest way to open the cleaner is when you hold the top and bottom in opposite hands. You can apply some pressure and twist both ends as you move your hands apart to pop it open.
No Restrictions
Have you ever tried to clean your lenses with another method on a hot and humid day? Depending on the temperature in your home, other products can dry out. Not only can wipes lose their moisture, but the bottles of cleaning products can lose their effectiveness due to the heat. With the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner, you get the cleaning power that you need in all climates and conditions.
Lots of Use
The number of times you can use other eyeglass cleaners will depend on quantity. One ordinary wipe can usually clean both lenses, but if they are particularly dirty, you’ll need two or more wipes to clean them. Spray products may not last as long as you expected due to liquid usage. The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner can last up to 500 cleaning sessions. If you want to keep using the cleaner, you can order replacement pads directly from the company.
Do You Get a Warranty When You Buy Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
When you order the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner online through our line, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can return the cleaner for a full refund within 30 days as long as you have the original packaging.
No Chemicals Needed
Most of the alternative cleaning products that we found include chemicals that can leave behind a lingering smell. Certain chemicals can also strip the coating off your lenses and/or create permanent smudges on the glass or plastic. The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner uses just a simple brush and microfiber pads. It will not harm the protective coating and allows you to clean your glasses without creating smudges or leaving behind odors.
Oils and Fingerprints
No matter how carefully you handle your glasses, you’ll still see some fingerprints and smudges on your lenses. Every time that you push the nose piece off your face, you leave behind some trace oils from your skin. If you use your fingers or hands to put your glasses on and off, you’ll notice even more spots. The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner is the best product we found for removing these spots. It won’t spread those smudges and spots across your lenses the way that other cleaners can.
How Long Does Delivery Take?
If you live in the United States, you should get your eyeglass cleaner in seven business days or less. Customers living outside of the US should wait at least 12 business days for their deliveries.
All Types of Glasses
Many people only wear glasses for specific activities. You might have a restriction on your license that requires you to wear your glasses for driving or when driving at night. Others wear reading glasses and only need them a few hours a day. No matter why you need glasses or how often you wear them, you’ll find that you can use this eyeglasses cleaner. The Peeps cleaner is safe to use on all types of glasses, including bifocals. Though it can clean the surfaces of the lenses, it won’t leave any damage.
For Plastic Lenses
Though some people think that eyeglass lenses are always made of glass, plastic lenses are a popular alternative. Plastic lenses are often more affordable and less prone to breaking. You can add special coatings to the lenses to wear them on a bright day outside or to prevent scratches. Some cleaners do not work well on plastic lenses and can either make the smudges look worse or scratch them. The Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner works effectively on plastic lenses.
Do You Need to Clean the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
One of the best features about the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner is that it doesn’t require any special cleaning. As long as you keep it in the carrying case, you can keep the microfiber pads and retractable brush safe from debris and damage.
Compact Design
Finding space for some of the accessories and supplies that you need while on the go is difficult, but as long as you have a few inches free, you have space for this eyeglass cleaner. It comes with a small carrying case that hides both the tongs with the attached microfiber pads as well as the retractable brush inside. You’ll find that its small size makes it perfect for on-the-go cleaning because you can store it in any bag or drawer.
Perfect for Away from Home Use
If you’re a hiker or a camping enthusiast, you know that your glasses can pick up as much lint and debris on-the-go as they do at home. That is why we recommend the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner. Liquid cleaners are a hassle because they take up a lot of space. You also risk bottles opening and leaking cleaner all over your pack. While wipes are more convenient, they can dry out on longer hikes.
Other Names for the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner
Peeps Glasses Cleaner, Peeps Cleaner, Peeps Spectacle Cleaner
Reasons to Skip This Cleaner for Your Glasses
To put this eyeglass cleaner to the test, we had several members of our team test it at home and give us their thoughts. We also tested it in our lab to make sure that we could find the flaws with the product. One of the biggest issues was that it didn’t work on all types of lenses. Many children have cheaper plastic lenses that developed some scratches when we used them on the lenses. It also didn’t work very well on other lenses that didn’t have a protective coating.
The nearly $20 price tag was another downside of the product as this was roughly twice what other products cost. If you buy at least two of the cleaners from our link, you can save significantly.
We also found some issues with the 30-day money-back guarantee and the way the manufacturer described that guarantee. To get a refund, you must return the product in its original condition, which means that you cannot open the box. You can only get a refund on an opened product if the cleaner has defects caused during the manufacturing process. Even if you decide that you don’t like it after using the cleaner once, you may not qualify for a refund.
Cons of the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner
- It can wear out after just a year of use
- The pads can easily slip off as you use it
- You need to pay to send the cleaner back if you qualify for a refund
- It can scratch your lenses
- Some found that it worsened the smudges on their lenses
Where to Buy
To ensure you know where to purchase the cleaner, we added a link to buy. Though you can get a single cleaning tool that includes a retractable brush and microfiber cleaning pads for only $19.99, you can get a bulk discount when you buy two or more. Those discounts include:
- Buy two Peeps Eyeglass Cleaners and get one free
- Purchase three tools and get two free
- Get five cleaning tools for free when you buy five
The buy three and get two free is one of the more popular deals and costs $59.97. If you buy five, you pay only $99.95 and get five free tools. With the buy two and get one free deal, you pay a total of $39.98. Each deal lets you save $19.95 or more on your purchase. All the bulk deals come with free shipping also.
How Much Does the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Cost?
As we mentioned in the last section, the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner retails for $19.95. If you only buy one of these cleaning tools, you’ll also need to pay for shipping and handling. Free shipping is available for those who live in the United States, and the site will waive handling charges as well.
The site also accepts different payment methods that let you checkout with a debit card or credit card. You can use your Shopify or PayPal account to place an order for one or more kits too. This allows you to use the payment method that you feel most comfortable with and avoid adding bank account details when you order.
Use your favorite payment method to buy the peeps eyeglass cleaner.
What are the Top Alternatives to the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner?
Another option is the Care Touch Lens and Screen Wipes. The box comes with 210 single-use wipes, but you can invest in a box that comes with 20 or 400 wipes too. Each wipe comes pre-moistened and in a wrapper that keeps it from drying out. Not only can you use the wipes on your lenses, but they also work on electronics and devices with screens, including televisions, computers and tablets. You can tuck a few into your camera bag and store others in your glovebox, a drawer at work or around the house.
A top alternative to this glass cleaner is the set of Microfiber Cleaning Tools from The Flash Store. For less than $10 plus shipping, you get 12 small tools that can clean almost anything from your glasses. These tools look like small tongs that have a microfiber pad tucked between both sides. You can attach one to your key ring or a chain thanks to a built-in hook. These cleaning tools are not as durable as the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner though. They are also so tiny that they are hard to use and can fall off your keychain.
Though most of these products work as well as a microfiber cloth for cleaning your glasses, they aren’t as durable as the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner.
Top Reasons to Spend Your Money on the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner
- You can use the cleaner on any lenses that have a special or protective coating
- It works as efficiently as other cleaners do but does not require extra products
- With just a few seconds of dedicated cleaning, you can remove all the spots, prints and smudges from your lenses
- The pocket size of the cleaner allows it to fit anywhere
- You can use the Peeps cleaner on both eyeglasses and sunglasses
- The durable materials used in the cleaner’s construction helps it last longer
- You can clean your glasses up to 500 times before you need to replace the microfiber pads
- The manufacturer offers the cleaner in five fun colors
- It works on most types of lenses, including those made of plastic and glass.
Final Verdict
This durable little cleaner works on all types of coated lenses. While you can’t use them if you have basic or cheap plastic lenses, it works on the transition lenses that change based on the available light and lenses with a protective coating to prevent scratches. You can also use the cleaner to remove smudges from the glasses and the oil that your hands leave behind.
At iReviews, we believe in only recommending products that we think our readers can use, which is why we created this Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner review. While it does have some downsides such as not working on all types of lenses and pads that can fall off, it is a far better alternative to other eyeglass cleaners on the market. The pads can last for up to 500 cleanings and work just as well later as they do the first time. For fingerprints and all the other marks that you see on your lenses, you can get rid of them with the Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner and see clearly again.
Resources and Further Reading
- Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner – Official Website
- Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Reviews: Does it work or is it a Scam? – Dominique S., Digitogy
- Cleaning Your Glasses? Here’s How to Do it the Right Way – Greg Heiting, OD, All About Vision
- Is Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner for You? – Eye Love the Sun
- Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner Customer Reviews – Amazon
- Peeps by CarbonKlean Eyeglass Cleaner – ZOOPY