
  • Jacob Wilson, iReviews
  • May 10,2022
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It’s important to be continuous about your health, but I know it can be hard to know where you stand. Weight only tells half the story – even BMI (Body Mass Index) is not a true indicator of physical health. You can be in incredible shape but your BMI could be over 30 in an unhealthy range.


Even if you have a healthy weight and a decent BMI there is still a chance you might have problems to deal with. Too little weight can also be an issue. If you’re extremely underweight – a low BMI and low body weight do not mean you are in great shape.


There are several reasons to build lean muscle mass. I know some of the most important parts are better posture, bone health, or conditioning purposes. The average scale doesn’t give you a real insight into your body measurements.


So, what does ShapeScale do to help with that is the biggest question I know there is. After researching plenty about the product I’m here to give a brief overview of everything this product has to offer and what it might be able to do for you.

What is the ShapeScale?

The purpose of the ShapeScale is to be a 3D scanning device that “digitizes your body shape in less than a minute.” Designed to monitor changes in a person’s body shape over time, ShapeScale uses 3D scanning technology to panoramically capture a model of your body. With an IR 3D Sensor Head, ShapeScale scans you in photorealistic 3D to give you a visual progress report of your body’s progressions.


Putting this into simpler terms, what I’ve found that ShapeScale claims to do are keep track of your body and its progress over time. It uses a lot of advanced techniques to do this, though that does mean that if you are just wanting to know your weight and general BMI then this may be a bit much for you. This is something you want if you need an exact tracking of your body over time and want to have certain attributes monitored over time.


Whether it’s body measurement, fat mass, lean mass, or simply body weight, ShapeScale should give you the complete story of your body’s physical condition.

ShapeScale Compared to Regular Scales

Instead of relying on fat calipers and tape measures to figure out body fat percentage, you step on the ShapeScale and let its Sensor Head take hundreds of pictures of your body in a 360-degree fashion. From there, simply open ShapeScale’s intuitive companion app and set up your goals.


I think we can all agree that the traditional house scale doesn’t keep up with anything important other than your weight. With ShapeScale, you can physically see the results of your fitness routine or the impact of your meal plan.


Still, this isn’t something that you might be using in your average home, to begin with. It’s something you will want to look into if you need a scale much more specialized.


Since you have a point of reference starting with the first body scan, you can see exactly what is working and what is not working. You have access to a virtual avatar of yourself every step of the way during your body transformation.


Equipped with a 5-megapixel RGB camera, ShapeScale “captures the realistic texture of your body with millimeter precision.” The built-in technology is certainly impressive, but the cost can be a put-off if you’re only looking for a scale to keep track of your weight.


ShapeScale captures every angle of your body with a robotic arm that moves the Sensor Head with 3-degrees of freedom. Rotating continuously around you in a 360-degree fashion, the robotic arm extends from 30 to 57 inches while it scans.


ShapeScale customers have described it as “a fitness companion unlike any other.” What better way to keep you on track than having a precision scanner that tells you visually which workout is giving you the best results.

Final Thoughts

I’ve given most of my thoughts about this product from what I’ve researched throughout this review. My final thoughts are just a repeat of some of the key points I think are important to talk about.


For starters, the good of this product raises its value in my option. However, it’s a specialty item in my opinion. Something that if you need it will be a major help in your day-to-day life, but if you don’t the cost would be a bit too much for your average person.


My last thought is that if this review has piqued your interest at all you do some looking into it. It’s certainly an impressive product, but one you should be sure you want before you put the effort in to purchase one.

  • Body Scan in Less than a Minute
  • Localized Metrics
  • Faster Feedback
  • Precision Scanning
  • Visual Goal Tracking
  • Intuitive Companion App
  • Audio Feedback
  • Tends to be in low-stock
  • Has a high price
  • Less Functional Without the App
Jacob Wilson, iReviews

By Jacob Wilson, iReviews

Jacob Wilson is a young writer with several creative skills that they use day to day. They are passionate about their written work, friends, and the nature of the world.