Review of OpenDrive, unlimited cloud storage, task management and notes for individuals or teams that keeps your cloud data in one place safe and organized.
Author: Jordan Cole, iReviews
Jordan Cole is a USC Masters student from upstate New York. The Syracuse University Alumni has worked with publishing firms, marketing departments, and communications specialists across the country.
Designed to bring back family game night, Vancouver-based H+ Technologies have created a hologram tabletop device that turns 2D games into highly interactive 3D content. Holus is a triangular holographic chamber that projects media content from computers, tablets, and smartphones. With two versions (Pro and Home), Holus is available to users and developers interested in an entirely new way to interact with digital content.
Taclim VR Shoes & Gloves
Taclim are “the world’s first VR shoes and gloves with built-in tactile devices”. With two prototype versions on display at CES 2017, the full-immersion VR gaming experience just received a major upgrade. Designed by Tokyo-based Cerevo (Consumer Electronic REVOlution), Taclim is capable of “detecting user movements as input and translating in-VR action to real world haptic output.” In other words, Cerevo’s VR technology is groundbreaking.
Jambys Review
Jambys was first created when the founders had the idea of creating boxers with pockets. After the original launch went so well, Jambys decided to expand, creating an entire brand of at-home, comfort clothes. Jambys promises to deliver soft, comfortable, sustainable loungewear to a unisex audience.
Tektronix 5 Series MSO
Built around a new ASIC, the 5 Series integrates ADC, demux, trigger, and all digital acquisition technology into a highly intuitive device. Starting at $12,000, Tektronix designed one of the largest displays (15.6″ HD) and gives users the options of 4, 6, or 8 FlexChannel inputs. From the capacitive pinch-zoom-swipe touchscreen to the 350MHz to 2GHz bandwidth, the 5 Series is “more than a remarkable interface.” It’s an all-in-one system designed around the user’s touch.
EcoloBlue 30 Water Cooler
Using a 12-stage Water-From-Air-Filtration System that includes five filters and three UV lamps, the EcoloBlue 30 uses the most advanced components to generate its 8 gallons of pure water per day (depending on the humidity). Designed for both the home and the office, the Atmospheric Water Generator relies on both humidity and temperature to determine its daily water yield.
Rollbe Measuring Tool
Available in compact 4 and 8-inch versions, the Rollbe measuring instrument is a coin-sized tool designed to measure straight lines and curved surfaces. Whether it’s a sectional sofa, a door frame, a piece of wall art, or the inseam of a pant, the Rollbe is a modern-day measuring tape. The highly versatile device is both metric and imperial compatible and can easily fit in your pocket.
Whether you want your robot to dance anytime your smartphone buzzes or have it give you a full weather forecast/traffic report the moment your alarm goes off, Vincross’ Linux-based MIND system gives beginner programmers an open-SDK platform for creativity. Equipped with a full suite of sensors that include voice activation, Hexa is only limited to the programmer’s imagination.
NOROCK Terrace
Introducing the NOROCK Terrace table – one of five four-legged models from Heyring’s revolutionary collection of stabilized table bases. With a passion for making things more stable, Heyring is responsible for the suspension system on the 2Play Catamaran, the kinetic suspension systems on fully-loaded Toyota and Nissan 4WD’s, and the hydraulic systems used by Nauti-craft. In other words, Heyring knows his stuff when it involves engineering for stability.
Plexaderm Review
Plexaderm is a skincare brand that is devoted to minimizing the appearance of aging. With under eye creams that appear to reduce eye bags for hours, after just ten minutes of application, as well as moisturizers and wrinkle reducers, the brand is dedicated to preserving a youthful look.